About us

At Inka Threads we seek to preserve and care for all elements of the production chain in a sustainable way.

Our products are of the highest quality in materials and design. We create a community that values ​​and is aware of the importance of preserving the customs, culture and way of working of those who give life to each of the garments through fair and purposeful trade.

At Inka Threads we seek to preserve and care for all elements of the production chain in a sustainable way. Our products are of the highest quality in materials and design. We create a community that values ​​and is aware of the importance of preserving the customs, culture and way of working of those who give life to each of the garments through fair and purposeful trade.

Why these fibers?

At Inka Threads we find a legitimate example of our values ​​when we focus on the culture, history and the final product that encompasses having an export Alpaca or Vicuña garment. The culture, sustainability, fair trade and quality that we must take care of.